Δευτέρα 13 Ιουλίου 2009

Αραχνόφιλοι από το εξωτερικό


I just discovered your site. Absolutely fantastic, this is what I've been waiting for! I live in Sweden, and collect Spider-man comics from all over the world, even in languages that I can't read or understand a word of. This is easy with countries like Germany, France, Spain and Italy - there are numerous sites with pictures of all the covers, and any information you need. It's more difficult in eastern europe because there is very little to no information at all about what has been published, and I have to do much research on my own, looking through various auction sites and other places. Greece has been kind of a white spot for a long time, with emarket.gr as the primary information source, which so far has produced 10 covers or so... therefore, your site is invaluable!!

I have a few questions:

- Where are the covers to issues #21, 51, 56 and 63? Are those issues that you have not found yet?

- How many issues did Kabanas Hellas produce totally? The highest issue # I have found is issue #576.

- How many issues were published of 'Super Spider-man'?

Thank you very much,

/Björn (spidercrazy)

Και η απάντηση :

Hello Björn.
Thanks a lot for you visits and the kind comments.
Here are some details.
SpiderMan from Kabanas Hellas ended at issue 589. It started in this format in issue 494. It was in almost the same size as the original USA title. It contained 2 stories. One with Spider from Amazing, Web of and Spectacular and the second story was mainly from Iron Man and rarely Daredevil.
Before that is was in small format b/w and it contained 3 stories. One of spiderman from titles such as Amazing & Spectacular, Team Up and a rotating cast of Hulk, Iron Man, Rom, Avengers Master Kung Fuand others.
The first issue of Spider Man hit the stands in 1977. You have already seen most the covers in my site. After 64 issues it switched to the small format I already mentioned.
- Super Spider Man come to an end after 52 issues.
There have also been 3-4 other more recent publications of SpiderMan.
I can produce details if you want.
- The missing covers are probably the ones I don't have. I say that because I still haven't manage to catalogue all of the issues I have. So far I believe I don't have them.
Nice hearing from a fellow spider fan.


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